A Finish Project

Posted by Ginger~~Enchanting Cottage

Well at first my husband said WHY! Why don't you just buy a white lattice and put it in the ground and be done with it. Well I said because that's not what I want. SO ~~~~ He mowed the lawn while I got up on the patio to build what has been in my mind for about 6 months. I did not want to see anything but the vine growing up. So I walked around Home Depot for awhile. I knew there had to be something there I could use. I came across some stucco sheets. They had two kinds of paper on them I just took the paper off.

I had to add some lattice to the top of our patio because the flower bed is not even with the patio cover. I want the vine to grow on top of the patio for some shade.

The stucco sheets come in about 3 feet sections, so I use some wire to connect each one from top to bottom.

Once this vine grows up it will give our patio more ambiance and make you wonder what kind of pretty surprises are on the other side.

This flower is just too~~~~ pretty

It is called snail vine or corksrew

OH! I almost forgot, my husband did end up helping me, he picked up the hammer for me when I dropped it from the top of the patio so I would not have to go down the ladder. What a nice guy~~~ I love you~~~
Have a wonderful day,

This entry was posted at 7/01/2008 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


Great idea! I like that you will only see the vine..that wire is practically invisible.

July 2, 2008 at 9:58 AM

What a guy!!!! But I still don't get the stucco and pulling the paper off. I'm clueless much of the time so explain please how that helps. Our patio isn't as big as I'd like and wanting to extend it as much as possible without upsetting the hubs toooo terribly much, my sweet cottage woman!! Of course, I did add the sheers to the side and that gives a lot of ambiance also, but gotta get rid of that bicycle sitting on there and don't know where to put it!!! Yikes!....

July 2, 2008 at 10:40 AM

So clever! You had a vision and went with it...I'm sure it will be stunning with the vines, etc...My gosh your yard is so beautiful~


July 2, 2008 at 1:41 PM

Your vine will be beautiful when it grows up ;)
So very glad to hear your husband could help... lol

July 2, 2008 at 5:20 PM

You are so innovative. I would never have thought about doing what you did. I'm totally impressed. That's a great idea.

July 2, 2008 at 6:33 PM

Ha ha--I love the way your hubby helped! But really, sometimes we wives just have to take the initiative if we really want something, because our hubby's are sometimes so busy just with every day life and every day repairs. I have wished I had taken the woodworking class in high school!! So will that vine grow very high? I purchased some vines that were supposed to grow high and all they did was bush out!! But we have had real success with confederate jessmine---that grows nicely and all winter here!

July 3, 2008 at 10:27 AM

lol...I'm glad your hubby helped. Love that idea and the vines are going to be gorgeous growing up and over the top. You have a beautiful patio area.

July 4, 2008 at 8:41 AM

Ginger, I love the idea. That vine is gorgeous, is it a perennial? I am going to have to keep my eye open for it out here.

Hey my purple columbine will be going to seed very soon. If you want some of the seeds to plant in your garden email me your address.

God bless.

July 4, 2008 at 10:42 AM

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