When I was about 15 years old I went to my first thrift store. My grandma is the one that took me to this wonderful store. I think I might of been in heaven. At 15 I already liked cottage things and had a hope chest also so I would buy things here and there. I found a saucer that day at the thrift store, it is like the plate below. I LOVE this plate. I have moved at least 8 or more times since I was 15 and I still have this plate. I am on the look out to buy more. OH! I just love this sugar bowl. I signed up with a company and they will email me when they get any of these precious dishes in.
Do you like to go to thrift stores? Please tell me about your first thrift store experience. My husband is not to fond of them, he always says he needs to take a shower after he has been to one. Matter a fact he will NOT go with me at all any more (SO SAD)
I take after my grandma in so many ways, matter a fact I am much more like my grandma on my dads side than I am like my mom. I miss her! She taught me so much about domestic things. She had the best sheets EVER they were percale cotton,she told me at a young age about how to buy sheets. Back then it was just percale cotton no thread count. To this day I can not find sheets like it. Well this post was suppose to be about a special dish I don't know how it got to sheets!
Have a wonderful weekend my dear blogging buddies,
This entry was posted
at 6/14/2008
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