I have decided to make my next few post of pictures of things that I love. So first were the watering cans and now white linens. I don't have to much going on in my home right now but I like to post pictures so that's why I decided to do my next few blogs like this. I hope you enjoy these pictures as mush as I did.
Bj at http://sweetnothingsbj.blogspot.com/ did this post yesterday and I enjoyed it so much.She always always always has fun post to read and I always want something yummy to eat for some reason after I have read some of her post. She posted some of her favorite pitchers on on her blog from http://ratemyspace.hgtv.com/SNC/Main.aspx?pguid=6db6be3f-1720-4ba3-a081-999042c09b6b I love this web page because they are normal people with normal homes. I like to get different ideas. I put my kitchen in here a while ago I had about 1400 people look at it but I don't even remember the number now. I wrote it down but I don't remember where its at either!! So If you have time you must look at the pictures she posted they are beautiful.
Have a great day
It's a good thing I haven't bought a banner because I change so often. But this book is just amazing. I haven't bought it yet but it is on my list. Needless to say this is truly a dream home.
OK , Priscilla over at http://sweetremembrance1.blogspot.com/ tagged me to tell 7 weird things about me so here it goes.
1. I don't like my food to touch other food on my plate.
2.I like my feet to be warm at all times.
3. I want to be buried with white socks on, new white socks that is.
4. I love to garden but I dislike yard work.
5. I add things on my kitchen counter to look homey but end up taking it down because it looks cluttered.
6.I get home sick after 2 days of being anywhere but home.
7. I have to have a water bottle next to my bed AT ALL TIMES.
I would like to invite all of my blogging friend to join in on this so please consider yourselves invited.
Have a nice day ginger
Hello all of my blogging buddies, I just wanted to introduce my aunt.
Here is her blog http://athomeinscottsdale.blogspot.com/ I am sure you will love it. She is a very talented woman and tomorrow she is going to share one of her dolls that she made. Jo here is a blog that does show and tell on Fridays
http://www.kellishouse.blogspot.com/ I am sure you will love going over there on Friday's and sharing some of your dolls as well. There are so many women who share there favorite things on her blog every Friday.I have meet some wonderful people from show and tell Fridays. She has a beautiful blog in general just in case anybody who has not seen it would like to take a peak.
My husband and I are the type of people who very seldom take a vacation. When we do get away one of our favorite places are to go to Arizona and visit with his Aunt an Uncle. They have such a beautiful home and such beautiful souls. We always leave there feeling blessed and inspired. This last time we left we really felt blessed because they had a car that they did not need anymore so they sold it to is so low that it was truly a gift. I hope that we take just as good care of it as they did.
I just thought I would share the cottage of the month with you all . I don't know if you have been here yet but everymonth she has a cottage of the month so I always look forward to the first of the month to see the beautiful cottage she has picked so here is her blog so so check out the cottage of the month for January