Posted by Ginger~~Enchanting Cottage

I Have this book called Stories for a Kindred Heart, it's one

of those books when I pick it up and read a short story it

always touches my heart, I wanted to share this story with you today.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

This was the experience of an old man who lay dying.

When the priest came to anoint him, he noticed an empty

chair at the man's bedside and asked him who had just

been visiting. The sick man replied, "I place Jesus on that

chair and I talk to Him."

For years, he told the priest, he had found it extremely difficult

to pray until a friend explained that prayer was just a matter

of talking with Jesus. The friend suggested that he imagine Jesus

sitting in a chair where he could speak with Him and listen to what

He said in reply." I have had no trouble praying ever since."

Some days later, the daughter of this man came to the parish

house to inform the priest that her father had just died. She said,

"Because he seemed s0 content, I left him alone for a couple of hours.

When I got back t0 the room, I found him dead. I noticed a strange

thing,though: his head was resting not on the bed but on an empty

chair that was beside his bed."

Walter Burkhardt
Please visit more more at Spiritual Sundays


Little Lights

Posted by Ginger~~Enchanting Cottage in ,

I love little lights everywhere in my home. I came across these just looking online for fun. I think that they are so pretty! How about you what do you think of them? Here it is on

Here it is off

Here it is off

Here it is on
Here it is on

Here it is off, this is my favorite one, although I like them all and would love to have the black and white one but this color is so pretty. If you are interested in buying one of these beautiful lights you can go here have fun.
I hope you enjoyed looking at these pretty little lights.
Edit to add
Do you think I could of gotten the pictures any bigger?

Posted by Ginger~~Enchanting Cottage in

I just wanted to share with my blogging friends that I am so excited, I'm going
to be meeting with another blogger. Jackie at the Land Of The Living Skies. I have known Jackie for sometime now, I even knew her before I started to blog. Well with her living in Canada and me here in Ca. I never thought we would ever meet. Words cannot explain how happy I am to meet this lady and her husband. We will be meeting the second week of Feb. In Las Vegas. It is a chance in a life time and I'm going to take it.
Thank-you Jackie for planning your vacation in Las Vegas!

A Cute Desk Organzier

Posted by Ginger~~Enchanting Cottage in ,

The other day I went to Marshals, you know the store that is just WONDERFUL! I like going there to buy coffee because they have a English Toffee coffee ( say that three times fast) anyway it is the best coffee my husband loves it. So when I go to Marshals to buy the English Toffee coffee of course I have to look around. I found this desk organizer that I have been wanting for a long time, it was $14.99 I thought to myself that's not to bad but I decided I didn't need to spend $14.99 on anything that day so I just bought the English Toffee coffee( like a good girl.) So in my mind as I was leaving I thought that it was sure to turn out like the ordeal with the mail box, This one here do you remember it from an older post?

I still proceeded out the door with out this cute~~~~ cute~~~~ desk organize
About a week later I went to the Goodwill and yep~~ it is true the exact cute~~ cute~~ desk organizer was there for only$4.99 so guess what, I now have this cute desk organizer on my desk and I love it! It is worth every penny of the $4.99.
I have mention before how much I love jars, well another thing that I love is buying chocolate or mints or gum that come in cute tins. Every time I open it up it has that pretty paper inside It just makes me feel special every time I open it. (hey they should decorated the paper inside those tins with toile prints or roses how cute would that be) Anyway I save them because you never know when you will need them. Here are a few that I use on my desk one is from a sample chocolate and the others are from Altoids one it is a mint covered in dark chocolate( YUMMY) So I put my special pens in one and paperclips in another, and thump tacks in another. It's an idea I wanted to share who knows maybe you like cute tins as well! OH~~ and the candle above guess what the fragrance is? Chocolate~~~ It's wonderful

Posted by Ginger~~Enchanting Cottage

I hope that you will stop by Charlotte's and my Sunday blog this week. Just click on Spiritual Sunday, and you will read and here so many wonderful things. I hope to see you this weekend.

Beautiful Hankies

Posted by Ginger~~Enchanting Cottage in ,

The other day I was talking to a lady at work, and mentioned I wanted to start a quilt for my granddaughter using old hankies as the squares. She ask me if I had enough and I told her I would need to get some more. So look what she gave me, I was so thankful for my gift.

I'm not real sure when I will start this project. It may wait until the weather is too hot to play outside. When this lady started working at my work I was not so sure how it was going to turn out. She has ended up being one of my dearest work buddies. Thank-you Roxie for the hankies and for being my friend!

A Beautiful Award

Posted by Ginger~~Enchanting Cottage in ,

Jackie was so kind to pass this award on to me, and after my long break it was sure nice knowing I had friends waiting for me, thank-you Jackie. I want to pass it on to Gigi because she is so sweet, and to Charlotte who is not only family , but I think of her as a friend as well, and last but not least I have a new blogging friend her name is Cat, she was so kind to spend a long~~~~~~~ let me repeat that a long ~~~~~amount of time chatting on line with me teaching me how to make my own background. I have not laughed so much in such a long time. Thank-you Cat you can visit Cat's blog here
Photobucket It is such a fun blog to visit.
Have a great day,

Lemon Curd & Lace Curtains

Posted by Ginger~~Enchanting Cottage in ,

The other day I canned some Lemon curd, it's so easy to make! I made about 3 1/2 jars. It will take us a life time to eat that. I also made some scones to go with it. The scones called for cream I only had milk and french vanilla coffee creamer so I used the french vanilla coffee creamer, the scones had a hint of vanilla flavor I will use that all the time its was so good.While I was making the Lemon Curd I had the kitchen window open, the wind was blowing just enough so we could hear our wind chime that's hanging in our window( yep the one my husbands not to crazy about) and just enough so the lace curtains were blowing. I think I may of mentioned before how much I love when the wind blows and the lace curtains freely move. I think it looks so pretty.

I'm sure there are a few of you who may have lots of lemons and not sure what to do with them all, well this Lemon Curd recipe is SO~~~~~ easy you should give it a try. It is yummy on a English muffin also.

So here is the recipe,

1/2 cup fresh lemon juice
2 teaspoons finely grated fresh lemon zest
1/2 cup sugar
3 large eggs
3/4 stick (6 tablespoons) unsalted butter, cut into bits

Whisk together juice, zest, sugar, and eggs in a 2-quart heavy saucepan. Stir in butter and cook over moderately low heat, whisking frequently, until curd is thick enough to hold marks of whisk and first bubble appears on surface, about 6 minutes.
Transfer lemon curd to a bowl and chill, its surface covered with plastic wrap, until cold, at least 1 hour.

My Sunday Blog

Posted by Ginger~~Enchanting Cottage in

Please visit it me here today, and many others. Have yourself a cup of coffee and enjoy.

Posted by Ginger~~Enchanting Cottage in

I have been tagged for a meme and it is a fun one! Charlotte, tagged me to play a picture game where you go to your 6th file in your photo's and open up your 6th pitcher in that file and share it and tell a story behind it. So here is my picture. This is Lennie, she is my granddaughter, she is about 10 months old here she is now a year old. I was so excited to get her all pretty to take her to her dads work, I just had to take lots of picture. Little did I know before we made it to her dads work that the poor baby would get sick all over her dress, I took me at least 15 min. to clean her up.I had to stop at a gas station and take her to the restroom to get her clean. So she had a diaper on when she saw her daddy, the love of her life, other that her grandpa. Thank-you Charlotte for tagging be it was fun. You all know me by now , so if you come by often please play this meme with us it is so much fun.
Have a great day,

Hello My Friends

Posted by Ginger~~Enchanting Cottage

Remember me, gosh it seems like for ever since I posted. Well, as you all know by now I always like to change my blog, so I decided to learn how. Thanks to PaisleyCatScraps She was so kind in teaching me how to do this. I am very new and still learning but if you want a new look anytime, she offers some beautiful free layouts, check it out. I'm sure you will have fun looking for something new over at her blog. When I made my blog I got this beautiful paper from Sweet Love of mine. I can not find her link, I am so new at this I need to get organized. I will be posting again soon who knows maybe even tomorrow.

I fixed It

Posted by Ginger~~Enchanting Cottage

I finally fixed my problem! If that ever happens to you let me know and I can help. It took me a long time to find out how to fix it. So I'm tired, it's late, so I'm going nite~~ nite~~ and I will sleep good!!


Posted by Ginger~~Enchanting Cottage

Jan. 2 2009

HELP~~~~ I am having a big problem with my header. It will not let me upload a picture. Well it uploads it and I push save then I view blog and it's not there. If you know how to fix this I would love your help! I did go to blogger help but they didn't help much.
Thank-you so much

Posted by Ginger~~Enchanting Cottage

I just want to wish everyone a Happy New Year! And That you may all be blessed during this 2009 year. I'm looking forward in a new year of blogging.
God Bless,