When our first grandson was a toddler one of his favorite places to eat was McDonald's, I didn't think he would every grow out of McDonald's. He is now 7 and his favorite place to eat is In and Out. He has matured enough to know that In and Out has a much better hamburger and is more filling, and satisfying than McDonald's. McDonald's was good and had it's purpose but time changes things. I feel like the church we go to is like a McDonald's and we need to mature into a In and Out. we need to grow and were not growing because nobody likes McDonald's anymore, they want In and Out.
Our church is having a meeting tomorrow the second one of two,please pray for this meeting and our church. We are loosing good families and are not getting any new families, our church has stopped growing. I apologize for the analogy of a hamburger place compared to our church but as serious as this matter is I thought it was the best way I could explain. Thank-you for your prayers for our church.
Please stop by Spiritual Sunday and read some amazing post, I promise you they all don't talk about McDonald's and In and Outs.
God Bless,